How to Get to Darnassus in World of Warcraft

For players of World of Warcraft, getting to Darnassus may be an important task for various reasons. Whether you're a Night Elf trying to return to your capital city or a member of the Alliance seeking to earn reputation with the Night Elves, this guide will provide you with the information you need to make your way to the city.

Getting to Teldrassil

The first step to getting to Darnassus is traveling to Teldrassil, the giant tree located off the northwest coast of Kalimdor. If you don't happen to have a flight path to Teldrassil already, there are two nearby options that can get you there. The first flight path is located in Rut'theran Village, a small port town located across the water from Darnassus itself. The second flight path is located in Auberdine, a town located on the mainland across the water from the village. If you decide to travel to Auberdine, be prepared to fight your way through a number of Horde enemies, as that town is a frequent battleground for Alliance and Horde forces.

Reaching Darnassus

Once you've arrived in Rut'theran Village, you will need to take a portal to Darnassus itself. This portal is located on the platform in the center of the village, and requires no special items, currencies, or requirements to use. Simply approach the platform, click on the portal, and you will be teleported to Darnassus. If you're a member of the Night Elf race, you can simply hearthstone to Darnassus instead; this will save you the time and trouble of traveling to Teldrassil first.

It's worth noting that Darnassus is a largely peaceful city that isn't a major hub for player activities. However, it is home to a number of important vendors, trainers, and quest givers, so it's worth taking the time to visit if you're interested in Night Elf lore or in earning reputation with the Night Elves.