The World's Largest Dog Breeds

The World's Largest Dog Breeds


Dogs have always been popular pets, but not all dogs are created equal. Some breeds have been bred specifically to be larger than others, and some can grow to be enormous! In this article, we will explore some of the world's largest dog breeds.

The Great Dane

The Great Dane is perhaps the most well-known of the large dog breeds. They are often referred to as "gentle giants", despite their size. The Great Dane can stand over 3 feet tall at the shoulder, and can weigh up to 200 pounds! Despite their size, they are very friendly and make great pets. Great Danes are also very protective of their owners and make great watchdogs.

The English Mastiff

The English Mastiff is another breed that is known for its size. It can also weigh up to 200 pounds, and can reach a height of over 2 feet at the shoulder. They are also known for their gentle nature, and are often used as therapy dogs. However, their size can also make them intimidating to strangers, so they are good guard dogs as well.

The Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is a breed that is famous for its heroism in rescuing lost travelers in the Swiss Alps. They are also known for their size, reaching up to 180 pounds and over 2 feet tall at the shoulder. Despite their size, they are known for being very friendly and gentle with children. They are also good guard dogs, as their size can be intimidating to intruders.


While large dog breeds are not for everyone, many people enjoy having a giant companion by their side. They can be great pets, and are known for their gentle and protective nature. However, it is important to keep in mind that these dogs require a lot of exercise and can require more space than smaller breeds. If you are considering getting a large dog, make sure you are able to provide them with the care and attention they need.